News Shorts
Harwich News
Chatham News
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Selectmen Again Reject Fall Special Town Meeting
CHATHAM — As they did last week, selectmen on Tuesday again rejected a request to have a speci...
Cluster From Chatham Party Rises To 13 CHATHAM – The cluster of positive COVID-19 cases stemm...
Harwich To Host COVID Testing Clinic Tuesday
HARWICH – A COVID-19 testing clinic will be held at the community center next Tuesday, Aug. 4, f...
Harwich Selectmen Interview Four Town Administrator Finalists
HARWICH — Selectmen spent four hours Monday night interviewing the four finalists for the town a...
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HARWICH – There may be no band time in Chatham this summer, but there will be in Harwich. Hea...
Nauset Graduation Canceled Due To Changing COVID-19 Numbers
NORTH EASTHAM – A surge in COVID-19 numbers on Cape Cod has necessitated another cancellation, t...
Nauset Officials Pledge Cooperation in Meeting Town’s Budget Challenges
ORLEANS — At an extraordinary online meeting of the town’s and regional school system’s leader...
Baker Tightens Travel Restrictions; Local Businesses Expect Little Impact
On Friday, Gov. Charlie Baker announced a new travel order that requires travelers coming to Mas...
Can You Dig It? Shellfishing Popularity Soars During Pandemic
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CHATHAM – While fog kept many folks onshore last weekend, there were some who were undaunted by ...
CHATHAM – There was frustration in the dugout of the Lower Cape Senior Babe Ruth team on Monday ...
Handmade ‘Postcards To Voters’ Encourage Election Participation
To those who are passionate about casting their vote and letting their voice be heard when el...
Nature Connection: Of Teens And Tweens
As parents, teachers, students, and communities grapple with the complexities of reopening s...
Five Minutes, 110 MPH Winds, 3,000 Trees Gone: A Year Ago, Rare Tornado Struck
Today is the one-year anniversary of the tornado that tore through a 2.8-mile stretch of town fr...
Our View: Don't Be Selfish
It comes down to personal responsibility. No matter how much we wish it could be so, there is...
Letters to the Editor: July 30, 2023
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“Well, she got her daddy’s car And she cruised through the hamburger stand now Seems she f...
Focus on... ➤
Business: Dairy-Free Ice Cream Comes To Harwich
HARWICH — Does a dairy intolerance stop you when you have a craving for ice cream? Well, Swee...
Author, Diplomat, Nickerson Descendant, William Walker Is Glad To Be On The Cape
William Nickerson Walker’s third spy novel, “Target Switzerland,” will be released later this mo...
Docs: During Pandemic, Don’t Postpone Routine Medical Care
With COVID-19 case numbers still well under control on Cape Cod, people are once again venturing...
Obituaries ➤
Robert John Rose
NEW BEDFORD-Robert John Rose, 87, of New Bedford passed away on July 17, 2023 after a brief peri...
Dicran B. Barian
Dicran B. Barian Retired Navy Captain, age 99 Dicran B. Barian, re...
CHATHAM – Katherine Ann Cima, of Chatham, formerly of Silver Spring, Md., died peacefully on Jul...